Soulard Farmer's Market

I'm in St. Louis again. And so we went back to Soulard's Farmer's Market. This time, I remembered my camera!

I like how this place is set up. It's just two really long aisles that are outdoors but covered and they criss-cross in the middle. In the middle there are a bunch of little shops that sell foods.

A jalapeno plant!

A random pet shop with bunnies!

In the middle there are a bunch of little shops that sell foods. There's a meat shop and a spices shop, and a hot dog stand, and even a place for funnel cake and baklava!

There was even a band playing outside in the rain :)
I got really excited when I saw these cupcakes but I refrained.
Instead, we tried these donuts they made on hand on the cutest conveyor belt. They were so nice and crispy, and not too sweet.
We also tried Tibetan bbq beef skewers that were amaaaazing.
Ended with a strawberry shaved ice for Jess. So cute!
Such a good time with good friends :)
OH and shortly after this, we battled a tornado! Well, more like we got stranded at a Walmart while there was a scary tornado warning, bleh.

I must be off, but I will post shortly on mango pie and monkey bread!


  1. Your pictures are always so good! I'm excited for pictures from next weekend! =D

  2. MANGO PIE AND MONKEY BREAD :D they were sooo good weren't they ^__^ AMRITA your amazing :D


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