Beef & Cheddar Hand Pies

I made these hand pies for the finale of Game of Thrones last year. They are easy and portable and perfect for people to grab while watching the show. The pies would also be perfect in fall and winter weather though, so I thought I'd wait till the heat of summer was over to share them. Of course, a baby slows everything down so here I am on the edge of spring sharing them now!
Working with pie dough can sometimes be frustrating, it’s worth it. The end result is a buttery, flaky crust with a savory, meaty filling on the inside. Since the filling is precooked, you can sample and adjust it to your preferences!

Beef and Cheddar Hand PiesAdapted from a recipe by Martha Stewart
About 4 servings
½ lb. 80-20 ground beef
½ white onion, thinly sliced
½ Tbsp. minced garlic
1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
Salt and pepper or red chili flakes to taste
1½ cups shredded cheddar
1 batch pie dough, thawed (Recipe here.)
Flour, for dusting
1 large egg, lightly beaten
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a large skillet over medium heat, saute the beef with onions and garlic, breaking up the meat until it begins to brown and the onion soften, 7 to 10 minutes. Drain some of the fat from the skillet.
Stir in the Worcestershire, mustard, salt and pepper. Remove from heat, stir in the cheese and set aside.
Sprinkle a large flat work surface with flour and roll out the pie dough to ¼-inch thick. Use a 4½-inch round cookie cutter to cut 16 circles from the dough, rolling the dough out as needed.
Place 8 dough circles onto the baking sheet. Place 1½ tablespoons beef filling in the middle of the circles, leaving a ½ inch of dough clear around the edges. Cover each with the remaining 8 dough circles, pressing around the edges of each with a fork to seal. Use the fork to poke a few holes in the top of each hand pie to vent.
Brush the beaten egg over the tops of each hand pie.


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